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What Happened In Heaven

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

Once there was a terrible, terrible place where all the gods lived. It was awful. They had food, but it smelled like poop. And their bodies were covered with sores. The sores itched and burned, and if you touched them they hurt like paper cuts. Also, everyone had to pee all the time, and they’d go and pee, but it would still feel like they had to pee really, really badly.

Their houses and shops and business were all situated on a vast, muddy plain. The mud smelled like rotten eggs and it splattered and stuck to their shoes and socks and pants. Strangely, in spite of the wet mud, the sky was cloudless and so unpleasantly sunny that everyone was always squinting. The sun didn’t dry out the mud, though, and everyone’s underwear got sweaty and sticky, and they would change their underwear a dozen times a day but it didn’t help. Even the fresh underwear sitting in their drawers was wet and sticky and smelled like a crotch.

The worst thing, though, was how crowded it was. The sidewalks were packed, and no god could go anywhere without bumping into and through hundreds of others, all of whom were sticky with sweat. Gods frequently got pushed into the mud, not on purpose, but just from the swell of the crowd. If they wanted to visit anyone, it would take a very long time to get there, no matter where they were going. At least an hour, and it would be crowded on the way and they couldn’t walk at the speed they wanted because the paths were all blocked with other gods going the opposite direction, or with single gods weaving back and forth in front of them talking into telephones and unaware of their surroundings.

And one day the gods said, “enough, let’s make a better place.” And so they sat down and they became one single god, because they reasoned that this would decrease suffering. After all, the suffering of a thousand beings must be greater than that of a single being, even if that single being was composed of a thousand beings. Perhaps this was a mistaken assumption, but the gods were too itchy and uncomfortable to think about it for long.

So they made another world. It wasn’t perfect. If you had seen an infinite number of worlds you probably wouldn’t make this one. But it was so much better than the world where they lived that that they thought it was perfect. And they called it “earth,” which meant “place that isn’t so sticky.” Then, because there was now another place, they had to give their own world a name, and they called it “heaven,” which in their language means “muddy, piercingly bright place where the food smells like shit.”

So on the earth they made oceans and cities and towns, and in some of the places they put people, who were like gods only less miserable. The people would travel from one place to another, and sometimes it took too long, and the way was crowded, but not always. The people ate food, and on rare occasions the food was rotten, but most of it was ok. There were some nice, open places, and it was cloudy at times, and mostly you could get dry underwear if you really wanted it. People still got sores on their bodies or in their mouths, which was unpleasant, but they usually didn’t have sores, and so the sore was more of a nuisance than a constant reminder of how horrible life was. Thus, the people were moderately happy, and they worshipped the gods and thanked them for existence.

The people thought that the gods must live in a place far better than earth, and the people also called this place “heaven,” which in their language meant, “the best possible place that could be.” And they dreamed that when they died they would go there and be with the gods, who they imagined as perfectly happy beings. The gods thought that this was hilarious, because, really, how are you going to go anywhere after you die? and also because, if the gods lived in such a nice place why would they make a worse one? But at least it made the gods laugh, which, for a minute, made heaven a little less unbearable.

Action Hero Person!

Sunday, March 21st, 2010

Action Hero Person!

Action Hero Person was bitten by superpower, and now he fights: evil!

Action Hero Person is eating sandwich but there is crime. Fight? Fight! Crime is stopped. Flee into night, Action Hero Person! No one thanks Action Hero Person, because identities are secret for reasons.

Action Hero Person watches boat unloading. Evil? Fire-head Man comes to fly and stop crime, but thinks Action Hero Person is villain. Soon they are friends, but only after fighting. Oops, bad guys get away. Now team up! Bad guys are caught, and Action Hero Person says joke while punching.

Whole world is in trouble because of Cosmic Power Villain. Action Hero Person gets call: come to stop Cosmic Power Villain! Call is from Super Team, who do not have Action Hero Person as member, because sometimes justice is lonely. Action Hero Person goes to fight. Many hero persons are there, even Fire-head Man, who is now friend. No hugging! Time for fight!

All is lost, except Action Hero Person makes heroic final gesture of strength, and Cosmic Power Villain is defeated with irony. Action Hero Person looks at Super Team, dies. Super Team says: truly, this was a hero. World says: Action Hero Person gets statue, positive regard.

It is next month: something is stirring in darkness. A figure with same shape and monthly title as Action Hero Person. Could it be?

Philosophy Summarized

Friday, February 5th, 2010

A series of posts summarizing current results in the field of Philosophy.
Part 1: The Thought Experiment:

Robot sees bird

If a train full of people whom you believe own Fords, but do not in fact own Fords, is traveling through a countryside full of fake barns, and is about to go off a cliff, and you can save these people by switching them to a track where the train will kill only one man, who has enough good organs to save the lives of 5 speluncean explorers who need organ transplants and are trapped in a cave and are committing acts of cannibalism, are you justified in lying to a murderer who comes to your door and attaches you to a dying violinist?

(Note: The experiment works better if you’re drinking twater with some antipodeans who’ve had their brains transplanted into the bodies of people who are either going to be tortured or given a million dollars if they get in a teletransporter that sends them to a room where they use an instruction manual to translate Chinese into English.)

The Last Conversation on Krypton

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

Jor-El and Lara putting Kal-El in spaceship for earth.

Lara: So you’re going to put the baby in a rocket ship.
Jor-El: Yes.
Lara: And send it into space.
Jor-El: Yes.
Lara: And this is because…
Jor-El: I’m pro-life.
Lara: This is better than an abortion.
Jor-El: It’s the moral thing to do.
Lara: Here’s something your high moral consciousness should have thought about nine months ago: our advanced kryptonian condom technology only works if you actually put the condom on your dick.
Jor-El: I’m saving this baby’s life! You wanted to murder it in the womb!
Lara: I mean, whatever, the whole planet is going to blow up in like five minutes. I can’t see how it would have made any difference.
Jor-El: This is why you’ll never understand ethics.
Lara: Not unless you can explain it in the next five minutes!
Jor-El: It’s pretty simple: you wanted to kill the baby.
Lara: By sucking it out of my womb, and you want to kill the baby by blasting it into space.
Jor-El: Not kill it! Get it off Krypton before the planet explodes.
Lara: Isn’t it your fault that the planet is exploding?
Jor-El: How is that relevant?
Lara: I don’t see this conversation going anywhere. What the hell, blast the baby into space.
Jor-El: Maybe it’ll find an inhabitable planet and be adopted by a kindly couple.
Lara: Yeah, and maybe the Kryptonian World Council will pass that health care bill before the planet blows up.

sound of rocket engines igniting as tiny space-crib heads off into the stars

Jor-El: Goodbye, Kal-El!
Lara: So. Three minutes until the world blows up. Whaddaya want to do?
Jor-El: Well, umm…we could…you know.
Lara: What the hell, nothing can happen this time. O shit! I just remembered!

a dog runs into the room

Lara: Little Kal’s dog krypto! Poor little Kal! He loved Krypto!
Jor-El: O, don’t worry, I made another space ship for Krypto. He’ll be fine.
Lara: You made two space ships, one for the baby, and one for the dog, and you’re leaving us here to die?
Jor-El: I knew there was a flaw in my plan.
Lara: I like that this is the moment you finally admit that you can make mistakes.
(Sound of Krypton exploding)

What If Aquaman Had Been Present At The Biblical Flood?

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

Noah and Aquaman!

GOD: I’m gonna, like, totally flood the earth and kill everyone.
NOAH: Why?
GOD: Because the earth is full of violence.
NOAH: Not to be a dick, but you’re the one who’s always going on about “Kill all the Midianites ” and “kill all the Amorites and Canaanites and Perizzites ” and “kill everyone who worships another god ,” and stuff.
GOD: Your point?
NOAH: Well, you’re gonna kill everyone for being violent, when you’re constantly ordering people to be violent, I mean, it creates a mixed message.
NOAH: Ok. So, what if I just build a boat and save me and my wife and my sons and their wives?
GOD: What about your daughters?
NOAH: Meh.
GOD: Ok, you, the sons, their wives, your wife. What the hell: take two of every animal with you.
NOAH: Wait, what? No no no no! That’s, like, a serious commitment I’m not down with!
GOD: Who’s God? Are you God? Or am I God?
NOAH: You?
GOD: So who’s gathering all the animals?
NOAH: I’m seeing that that’s me, right?
GOD: Now you’re talking.


NOAH: Even though this ark is kind of smelly, I’m totes glad I built it.
NOAH’S WIFE: Why’s that?
NOAH: Because now we’re the only people left on earth, and also, we have a real surplus of pets.
NOAH’S WIFE: We could open a pet store and totally corner the market.
NOAH: Except no one’s left alive to buy pets.
NOAH’S WIFE: That’s a hurdle in the business plan, but not an insurmountable one.
Suddenly, a great wave breaks over the bow of the Ark, and Aquaman Appears
NOAH: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What the hell!?
AQUAMAN: This flood has been AWESOME!
GOD: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
NOAH: That’s what I said!
GOD: I totally made that flood to kill everyone!
AQUAMAN: Then your plan is not long on foresight or knowledge of the power of Aquaman!
GOD: That’s it, I quit. You’re all on your own.
NOAH: Huh. So, umm, Aquaman?
NOAH: Do you want to buy a pet?


Sunday, October 11th, 2009

In the modern world we fail, sometimes, to stop and smell the poems about roses. So from now on, Spoonbot will dedicate itself to celebrating this highest artform. Send us your poems, and, though we won’t publish them or anything, we will give them big retirement parties and make jokes about how they used to do their secretaries and we’ll all laugh, but really, it’s pretty sad, because that’s it. You’re out of a job.

Three Poems to Start Us Off:

1) Shy and Starving

remember that time
in Guatemala
when you kissed my Froot Loops

well, I’ve thought about it
fuck you!

2) The Good Woman of Says Juan

That’s quite a banana
not it’s size or anything
that the vulgar people would understand
I’m talking about
it’s axial orientation
you faggot

3) Under where?

Pepe and Luisa
are returning the shrimp
at the raw bar
without the least bit of

Sea monsters loll in your tortoise-thick eyelids
when I fuck you with my resumé
O, Lord of hosts, take it like the bitch you are

ArtCard III

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

These Artcards are gentle creatures that would never compare a program of universal health care to a mid-twentieth century fascist movement that was dedicated to exterminating non-Aryans. Nor would they bring a gun to your town hall meeting, nor are they so limp-minded as to believe that the government has written up a plan for aborting your grandmother. Instead, they gather in fields, and hold hands, and sing a song of hope.

See them all in this glorious page full of art.

Sunday, June 21st, 2009

If famous historical persons had superpowers. #1: Eve

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

SNAKE: You should totally eat this apple. Totally.
EVE: God said no.
SNAKE: Whatever, I guess God is the boss of you.
EVE: Nobody’s the boss of me!
EVE: Wow, I so have knowledge of both good and also evil!
ADAM: What’s going on?
EVE: Knowledge. Get some.
ADAM: This kicks ignorance’s ass!
EVE: I’m aware of that. And many other things! Like, you have a penis.
ADAM: Omigod. So true. And you have, I wanna say, “a vagina,” but that sounds kind of medical. Let’s cover ourselves with leaves.
GOD: Who told you you were naked?
EVE: Is it that hard to figure out?
GOD: As I planned things, yes, it should have been hard to figure out.
EVE: Then your plan sucks.
GOD: Ok, everyone out of Eden!
EVE: Not so fast!
GOD: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! That is uncool!
EVE: So can we stay in Eden?
GOD: Do I have a choice in this?
EVE: Yeah, but the choice involves you getting hit with eyebeams.
GOD: I am not in favor of that. Whatever, if you decide to go close the gate behind you.
EVE: Thanks! [To Adam] So, what do you think that penis thing does?
ADAM: I don’t know, but I’m overwhelmingly certain that I want to find out.
The End


My Romance Novel, “Chastity Opening”

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

Precis for “Chastity Opening,” the sequel to “Chastity Aflame.”

Chastity is in New York city, in 2003 (the most romantic year). All the great labor leaders of the past (Joe Hill, Eugene V. Debs, Samuel Gompers, basically any sexy-hot unionist) rise from the dead and come to NY. Chastity is surprised, and then her consciousness of the relation between wealth, infrastructure and the exploitation of the worker is raised. The labor leaders shamble to Chinatown, where they all get waxed (this is the most important sequence, and really needs to capture the essence of pulling hair off the scrotums of men who fought for the 5-day workweek). Chastity, seeing the tender flesh of Joe Hill’s inner thigh, begins to fellate, not so much him, but the very concept of wage equity. Later, a typhoon washes them all to sea.

Sequel: Chastity Adrift! coming soon.

Fabio Labor