1. Eat more fiber
2. Invent humanity-destroying death ray
3. Make love to a space alien or former terrorist or deity
4. Jack up some motherfuckers, yo
5. Shower at least 4 times
6. Finish my memoir, “How You All Have Failed Me”
The Artcard Project worked like this: you sent us an art card, we posted it, and then sent someone else's art card back to you. Want to play?
Barbarian Sword!!!
In this magical story, the Barbarian must use the sword to save, but also, to hurt! Will the Evil King triumph, or instead will there be justice? You must read the four chapters to find out what mysteries await.
Science Action!
The best kind of movies have science action. Here's one where danger lurks, and a lesson of hubris is learned by man!
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PMB 108
302 Bedford Ave
Brooklyn, NY