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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What time is it?
A: It’s a little before 11. 11ish, basically.

Q: If you’re not doing anything tomorrow, would you want to, umm, like, go to a movie or something?
A: O, I totally, no, I, I have this, this thing, so, uh, no.

Q: Are you ok?
A: Yes! Why do you keep asking me that? Ferchrissakes! I’m fine, ok? OK?

Q: What’s up?
A: Not much. You?

Q: Did you see that!?
A: Yes! Omigod! What the fuck was that?!

Q: What’s the name of that film/person/event that I can’t currently remember? The one with the salient element?
A: Escape to Witch Mountain/Kim “Tootie” Fields/The Tunguska Event

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