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Emergency Phone Calls to the Philosophy Dept.: Phone Call #1

-Hello, you’ve reached the Philosophy dept.
-Yes, I need to speak to a doctor of philosophy.
-Umm…which professor would you like to speak with?
-I just need a doctor of philosophy. I’m having a terrible Gettier problem.
-I’m sorry?
-I’m having a terrible Gettier problem. I think it could be serious.
-I’m sorry, I don’t understand…
-Look, I have good reason to believe that Jones owns a Ford, I mean, I’ve known him to own Fords for years, and today I saw him in a Ford. And as a result I’ve deduced that Jones owns a Ford or Smith is in Barcelona. Now I have no reason to believe that Smith is in Barcelona…
-Sir, perhaps you should call back later.
-But listen, Smith is in Barcelona! And Jones doesn’t own a Ford!
-Right, you’re thinking “But he saw Jones in a Ford today!”
-No, actually I…
-But the weird thing is it was a borrowed Ford and Jones doesn’t currently own a Ford!
-Sir, I…
-Yeah, it’s terrifying isn’t it!
-I’m going to hang up now…
-Wait! Wait! My belief is both true and justified! You have to listen to me!!!

One Response to “Emergency Phone Calls to the Philosophy Dept.: Phone Call #1”

  1. Boni Says:

    Is strong evidence strong?

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